Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wait.... This isn't what I ordered!?!?

Recently I have started a few different BIG ventures in my life. For some odd reason they haven't turned out the way I expected them to at all. These main ventures are getting out of high school and into college and changing churches. Both of these haven't turned out exactly how I expected.
I was expecting to go to college and love most of it and hate little. This idea was false, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't want to be in radiology anymore, I dread the thought of spending years in this style of school. I don't know why I thought I would want to be in radiology because obviously I'm not wired for this type of scholastic work(I HATE IT). I'll be finishing this semester and then weigh my options with my parents.
I think I might be a music minister which a few years ago, I thought would be horrible. I thought they were all pompous jackasses with voices like billy goats. But after spending time with my previous worship leader and youth paster, that view has changed.
My new church seems great. I really like the music and hope to be apart of it. It's really guitar driven, which I like but also find a great challenge. Im used to hiding behind a piano and another guitarist. My position here (which isn't filled) would be more supportive and much more technically challenging, but also more my style of music I listen to so that could be helpful. Im just trying to also be very carful not to be the new person who wants to get "involved" to quickly. Thats a quick way to step on peoples toes, and not a great way to make a first impression. I meet with one of the music ministers for lunch tomorrow.
Anyways, Here are some of the things I've been thinking recently.

1. What am I doing?

2. I can't fit in some of my jeans.

3. I'm glad my feet don't get fat when I grow. That would suck.....

4. How will I consistently provide for my family?(you know,later)

5. I need to make new friends.

6. I think this is how people grow closer to God. Through uncertain times.

7. I just finished giving myself a haircut and I think I missed a spot in the back...

Ok thats all.I'm tired...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tomorrow starts a lot of CHANGE

Good evening!!
I am very excited about this weekend. First, its longer than most. I have Monday off of school and work (SA-WEEEET!!!.) Tomorrow is my last Sunday at my current church. I know its what I'm supposed to do, but there is still a hint of sadness. But, I have decided this is my chrysalis stage. I've already gone through the chubby part. I mean it more in a spiritually growing way. I am slowly understanding better what I believe and what I don't.
Also, with the shedding of my
summer skin (snake analogy this time... You can be impressed.) There are things I look forward to in excitement. Like meeting new people, hopefully playing music with different people, and gaining relationships with other Christians....... Maybe even a girl!?!?!

Ok thats all.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


This coming weekend, two awesome things are happening. First, Jon and Em are coming up from Houston. And second, I get off early on saturday!
Now the second one might not seem like much. But you would be surprised how wonderful it is for me to leave two hours early and go home to my family. Especially knowing I'll probably be greeted by Jon yelling "O, hello Monkey!!" And Miss Em laughing and dancing around.

Thats all I can think of for now!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I was searching youtube for funny clips the other day.
You just cant look away!!!
People falling is really funny!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Things Are Coming

Things I'm thinking about right now.

1. Church in the morning. I hope worship is.....well....... Worship

2. College starts soon for me. I think I'm going to be ok. My classes don't seem too hard.

3. I will be leaving my church September 6th. There are a lot of things I'm going to miss. People mostly(that's about it). Also, the other thing that's kept me there was being comfortable. But slowly that comfort has become being comfortably numb(like the Pink Floyd song). I got numb to the preaching of doctrine I didn't believe. Anyways, I feel like God is calling me somewhere else. Lets just say "Its just not a good fit anymore"
Ok, done.........

4. Back to the subject of what im thinking about. I bought lunch for a Hobo today. I went to taco bell on my lunch break. I wonder if taco bell had the same "effect" on him as it did on me..........


Friday, August 14, 2009

New Stuff Ahead...

Well hello!
I've been quite busy recently.
Top ten things that are going on.
(in no order of importance)

1. Work is going great!

2. I got a raise at work!(...... Big spender.....)

3. School starts the 25fthhhhhhhhhh

4. Im going to start playing coffee houses with my brother.

5. My sister is a secret agent.

6. I got a 4 1/2 ft spoon for my room. (picture will be added)

7. Someone stole my front left hubcap off of my car.

8. Dallas Cowboys preseason....nuff said

9. Seven Eleven got my favorite slurpee flavor back in(Blue Pineapple Lime... Its blue)

10. The spoon counts twice....

Thursday, July 9, 2009


So Its been a while since I could think of something to say. Few updates

1. Im in the new house. I love it!

2. Im not very happy with church. It's very weird and hard to explain. But, basically its becoming very obvious that there isn't a peer group that suits me. And that doesn't even really explain it.

3. Work is killer stressful. And let me just point out, I WORK AT A MUSIC STORE. there is no need for it to be stressful. Its my boss's fault.

4. still pretty lonely, but there's not much I can do about that. So, whatever.

Well thats about it...........

Friday, June 5, 2009

Things that DIDN"T go right today!

Hello reader's
Well to put it plainly, today was a day from hell. The morning was fine for me, honestly. But after about 1:30 it all went down hill quick. I arrive to work, to hear the sound of my boss yelling on the phone to his SPA specialist(which is just a fancy term for big time loan officer) about how he wants to close later, and also, instead of two closings(one for land and the other for the building) he wants one!!!! And doesn't want to pay an extra two thousand dollars!!!
Has was one fiery, six foot nine, 190 Lb, balding boss!!
Then the rest of the day, he felt like "taking a break",FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!!! which meant going next store and getting more and more diet coke. I was in charge of answering phones, filling out mounds of return forms for band instruments and running the floor!!!
There was a miss understanding with one of the teachers. He made sure I knew, the next guitar student MUST go to him."I gotta eat man"(as he drank his Fiji water.) So, what do I do? I give him the next guitar lesson. But one thing he forgot to tell me was
" O yeah, I'm not gonna teach that late anymore.......oops"
Which meant I had to call back and tell the father of the new student, that the fifteen gruelling minutes of paper work we had to do over the phone was worthless. The response was definitely over 60db's.
On the way home from my hellish day at work, a car pulles out RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!
So much so, I could not stop in time and I ended up on the side walk, destroying a mailbox and getting a pretty good seat belt burn. I didn't hit the car. But the mailbox is dead and gone. And If my mom's car could talk, I think it would be pretty pissed too.

Also, later on, I get home and find out the girl I like is getting flowers and candy from some other guy!!!
What a stupid-good-for-nothing-hell-damn-ass DAY

Thats all.............

Monday, May 4, 2009

The End Of Something BIG

Well, I haven't posted recently. Its probably because I have been very busy........orr...Nothing interesting has happened at all(You choose the excuse, you deserve it.)But there is one cool thing that's happening. I graduate from high school in thirteen days!!
I am quite excited, and so is everyone who reads this also.

But one thing that I've been thinking about a lot recently is, one of my good friends who used to work at my church. He was my youth paster.(The best one too.). And I was thinking about how nice it would have been, if on graduation Sunday, He would recognize me and shake my hand on stage. I'm not one who likes all the attention, but a few years ago, that was something I was looking forward to a lot. I think it's a lot more because of how proud he would be of me than anything else. He and his wife would probably say to me later something like this.
" Jeremy, you have grown up so much since we first met you several years ago. We are so proud of you and who you are becoming."

Hear is the kicker...
The elders in my church felt that he and his wife were not a "good fit" anymore, and thought it best if they quit there post of being our youth pastors. This was quite a shocker to me, seeing as everything seemed to be going very well. They made it quite clear that it was not because of anything he did. But that they just see our church going in a different direction and no longer see them going with us. I don't go to youth group anymore and haven't for a while.
The things that mattered most to me are long gone. Like....

1. Leaders who took worship very seriously.

2. Meaning full teaching that was not skin deep or always about election.

3. People who understood youth group as not always place best suited for silly games that don't really make any sense. but just made you want to wash you hands.

4. People who cared(and still do)enough about you to check up on you through out the week.

I know a few things though
I am thankful to still get to talk to them and still have them in my life.

Also,I'm so glad God never decides that we're just not a "good fit" anymore, aren't you?

That's all........

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Day Off!!

I have made a list of things Im thinking about today!
So hear goes!

1. No work today!!
(Whoooop Whooooop!!)

2. I really like my new amp. I would take a picture, but its pretty small, so you might think its not as cool as I've made it out to be. Which would be false!!

3. Whopper Wednesday was a bad idea.......(I don't think i need to explain.....)

4. I have now thought of the best way to explain the feeling I have living in this apartment.
It's like when you go to a clothing store(I like to think of j-crew) and you go try something on. So, you're in the fitting room, no one can see you, but EVERYONE can hear you. Meaning, if you might let something sneak out, they will hear it. And the whole time you kind of feel rushed, so the next person can come in and try something on.......... It's kinda like that.

So later tonight, me and my fam are going down to the pool to grill, swim, etc. It should be fun!
That's all.................

Monday, April 20, 2009

Things Im thinking about.........

Of course, I have decided to do this blog in a "list" style format, AGAIN.(deal wit it sniches...;D)
So hear goes.......
(Actually in order of importance.........To an extent.)

1. I'm pretty happy with my church in general. Worship has been pretty Bad A-- recently. I still don't get much out of the teaching. But, the worship is helpful!

2. I am SLOWLY getting to used to an apartment.................

3. I don't "do" small talk very well. It's staring to bother me too ,and I just don't want talk about nothing. But at the same time, I'm not one to talk about important things with strangers( STRANGER DANGER!!!) But that kind of leaves a gap in meeting new people. For example!!--

I met this really cool girl at church, and I started talking to her. But I kinda reached this point where I don't really want to talk about anything too important with her while we're around other people. Cause other people are stupid....... O, and sometimes I still act like teenage boy, who is too scared to talk to girls....just BTW

But no worry's, I'll think of something...

4. I bought an amp today!!. I'm excited to play it tomorrow. But right now its 11pm so I cant really play.

OK, well I'm done.................

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Guitar Hero.......

I had a Good friend ask me what I thought about guitar hero/rock band.(I forgot which one)He knows I work at a music store, and I guess he thought I might have something to say about it. He was right!!
Hears part of the post I sent him

Black Magic
I have had reason to think about this way too much.
No lie; Almost every other day at work, I hear something like this.
"Man, my kid plays on them-that-therr-uh, geetar hero, like at least five er six hours a-day. It's proly just like the real stuff, huh!!!."
(At this point in the conversation,I'm thinking "SPEAK ENGLISH!!!" and wondering how many years I would get for assault with an electric guitar)
But to answer your question.I've done some research on this "guitar hero" and or "rock band". I can also say, both are quite fun. BUT, for most people it uses a totally different side of your brain!!. I honestly think its a fun game. I just get tired of parents who think there kids are going to be awesome at guitar because of a silly video game. Hears a question I have for them.

1. Do they think there child is going to be a good driver because they played that one game called Driver?

I thought about this more
What if we took this thought proses even further.

2. Do they think there child can just skip basic training in the military, because they played that one army game?

Stupid parents.....

On another note
My family and I are now moved into our apartment. It has been different, and a little cramped. But, my family and I are getting into some good habits. One is going to the gym!. It's something that I haven't been doing for very long. But I find its a good stress reliever. And, I like the feeling of getting fit and trim.
Ok thats all............

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What Im Doing

So I haven't posted anything for a while. It's definitely because I'm busy. I find it easy'r to write a list of things, instead of paragraphs. Soooooo!!

What I've been up too!

1. Finishing school!! I think I have like seven weeks left.

2. Playing Music.

3. Looking at new music products, wondering how I could afford some of them.( Im trying to be smart with my money, knowing that there are always unexpected things around the corner)

4. Reading about Blaise Pascal. Seems he and I have a lot in common as far as religion goes. He talks about how he has a hard time taking things at face value. Kinda hard to explain.

5. Trying to feel at home at church. Things are kinda rough right now. Also, I've had offers from other churches to play in there worship services. But all of them are in denominations I don't quite agree with:(

6. I got my graduation suite!! Banana Republic, Gray, Two Button, British Cut. Nuff said........I love it.

7. Trying not to stress about moving and what not. Its funny, I thought Right now I would be freaked out about graduation; What am I going to do?!?!?, Is that really what I want to do?!?! None of these questions seem relevant. I know all of those, I just don't know where I'm going to live!!!

That's whats up..

Monday, March 16, 2009

Things I'm thinking about doing

I have a list of things I want to do. Most of them involve some pretty good money right now, but its still fun to dream.

1. Get an Apple mac mini. Mostly for music writing software, but also because Mac's are the cats MEEEEEEEOOOOOOWWWW.

2. Change out the Pickups in my Telecaster. It's my first electric guitar, and it has definitely seen better days.I kinda like it that way too. Its says "Hells bells yes, I'm a guitar. And YES, I have been played A LOT!!". But, with that being said, it still has the ten dollar squire pickups installed from when I got it for my birthday four years ago. So I plan to get some Rio Grande pickups to replace them. But there two $200. Ouch!

3. Start recording my music.(which kinda wraps up #1-2)
I play a lot chill stuff with my brother, and I think we should record that. But I also have some songs that I've written on the piano that I want to record too. But I want those to be written and changed just by me. I'm quite sure that I have friends who are better at playing the drums and bass than me(,maybe not bass...... whatever) but I don't want then to change up and add there own flare and fills to my songs. I think its great to collaborate with other musicians(like me and Justin do) but I also think its a good idea to have you own work that you've created.

On another note
I'm super pumped about this weekend. I'm going to Houston for a mini vacation!!

Ok thats all.................

Friday, March 13, 2009

What I did today....


1. Today I woke up at exactly 10:00pm. Odd, I didn't even set my alarm.....

2. After that, I finished out the rest of my school for the week.(SA-WEEEET!!!)

3. Chuck and I had some vanilla yogurt with honey granola clusters for breakfast. (50/50 mix of yogurt to granola for best results)

4. After that, I played piano for about four hours. Working on the same stuff(Scales and Arpeggios in F#m & major. Ryan Adams covers, Colplay covers, etc)

5. Checked my blog.

6. Changed light bulbs in my house.

7. Drank a pineapple soda, monster energy(coffee flavor) and water.

8. Played some music and try'd out some new dance moves.(they didn't turn out that good. glad no-one was home)

9. Made the house spotless for a showing(NOT FUN), which never happened.

10. Went to Barns And Noble to look for a biography on Blaise Pascal. They had a book that was just a compilation of his theory's, notes and essays. But first, I want to read about him, and then read his works. Not the other way around. It would be like watching a movie backwards!

11. Then I met up with mom and had lunch at Schlotzsky's,

12. Then I repeated 3-4 again. And then had dinner.

13. Also, went to Jut's to borrow an acoustic for Sunday church. Baldwin wants me to play that too since Brandon is gone for the week. I am not excited.........

That's about it.......

The clock on my blog is always off by a few hours. It bothers me!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Just to keep you updated..... You know.

So this is what I'm excited about....

1. Day off of work tomorrow.

2. Only two days of work until vacation(Well, me taking a week off of work)

3. Music on Sunday(Like every Sunday)

4. Hopefully hanging out with friends tomorrow.

5. One week until B-dog comes back.

6. One week until I hang out with Jon and Em.

7. Writing some stuff with Justin.

8. My new house.

9. The wet, cold weather.(I love it!!)

So today at work.
I was listening to another parent talking about there child who takes lessons. He very proudly tells me "He's so good. He doesn't even need sheet music. He just hears it, and plays it." At this point he obviously looks me up and down. And then goes on to ask me "Can you do that?" I answered,"Yes, a little bit". He replies with "Well, you should hear him, he has special talent"
The conversation seemed to go on forever. But at the end, he asks one more Cocky question. "So how long have you been playing guitar?" I answer "A little more than three years" At this, he gives a smirk that I thought was possible by the only richest of the rich, snobby of snobs, soccer moms. But no, Somehow he pulled it off. Quickly after, he went and sat down and waited quietly( Thank God)
I'm not writing this to show you what a jackass that guy was.(Well, half and half.) I'm just wondering why every parent I meet at work thinks there kid is the next big superstar. Is it that they just want there kid to be special or above average? Is it that they want something to hope in?(not many are hoping in our new president anymore. But not enough time to go into that.) I wonder if I'm going to be that parent? I wonder if my parents do that?(just not as Cocky or jackassy as that guy)

Just some thoughts...... You know.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Things I Hate

I've decided to make a list of things I hate right now. So hear goes!!
(Btw, they aren't in order; Just in order of what I think of them.

1. My boss telling me about his wife's "surgery". Why on earth would your eighteen year old employee(,that's me)want to hear about you wife's bajango!?!?!

2. Not being able to leave stuff out in my house...(We're selling it, supposedly, buyers don't want to see my boxers, whitey tighty's, thongs and briefs laying on the floor in my room.. whatever)

3. The culture of todays church. I'm fine with the principle of church, I think its whats right. But, more often than not, recently, its just annoying me.

4. Highschool drama. I think it quite odd that I have to deal with this, seeing as I'm the only student in my class. But somehow it still finds me. Curse you Highschool. I will soon enough be out of your wet, sweaty grasp.

5. Not feeling very creative at all. This is something quite recent. But I think it might be affiliated with Number two.(Not the activity, the second thing on my list)

6. I miss my sister Beth. I have no one to crack funny jokes with. Or, make fun of people with(shallow, I know.)

There it is, my list of poopy things.