Saturday, August 22, 2009

New Things Are Coming

Things I'm thinking about right now.

1. Church in the morning. I hope worship is.....well....... Worship

2. College starts soon for me. I think I'm going to be ok. My classes don't seem too hard.

3. I will be leaving my church September 6th. There are a lot of things I'm going to miss. People mostly(that's about it). Also, the other thing that's kept me there was being comfortable. But slowly that comfort has become being comfortably numb(like the Pink Floyd song). I got numb to the preaching of doctrine I didn't believe. Anyways, I feel like God is calling me somewhere else. Lets just say "Its just not a good fit anymore"
Ok, done.........

4. Back to the subject of what im thinking about. I bought lunch for a Hobo today. I went to taco bell on my lunch break. I wonder if taco bell had the same "effect" on him as it did on me..........


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