Friday, June 5, 2009

Things that DIDN"T go right today!

Hello reader's
Well to put it plainly, today was a day from hell. The morning was fine for me, honestly. But after about 1:30 it all went down hill quick. I arrive to work, to hear the sound of my boss yelling on the phone to his SPA specialist(which is just a fancy term for big time loan officer) about how he wants to close later, and also, instead of two closings(one for land and the other for the building) he wants one!!!! And doesn't want to pay an extra two thousand dollars!!!
Has was one fiery, six foot nine, 190 Lb, balding boss!!
Then the rest of the day, he felt like "taking a break",FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!!! which meant going next store and getting more and more diet coke. I was in charge of answering phones, filling out mounds of return forms for band instruments and running the floor!!!
There was a miss understanding with one of the teachers. He made sure I knew, the next guitar student MUST go to him."I gotta eat man"(as he drank his Fiji water.) So, what do I do? I give him the next guitar lesson. But one thing he forgot to tell me was
" O yeah, I'm not gonna teach that late anymore.......oops"
Which meant I had to call back and tell the father of the new student, that the fifteen gruelling minutes of paper work we had to do over the phone was worthless. The response was definitely over 60db's.
On the way home from my hellish day at work, a car pulles out RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!!
So much so, I could not stop in time and I ended up on the side walk, destroying a mailbox and getting a pretty good seat belt burn. I didn't hit the car. But the mailbox is dead and gone. And If my mom's car could talk, I think it would be pretty pissed too.

Also, later on, I get home and find out the girl I like is getting flowers and candy from some other guy!!!
What a stupid-good-for-nothing-hell-damn-ass DAY

Thats all.............


  1. DUUUUDE!!!! No fun! I'm so sorry! It all sucks. All of it. At least you are off today and I will hang out with you later. HUGS!!!

  2. So sorry your day was such a bummer. Surely this one will be better. No one is mad about the mailbox...just BTW. Well, the guy that owns the mailbox might be but not anyone at home. And one more thing...just because a girl gets stuff from someone doesn't mean she likes them...just that they like her. Hold your ground.

  3. I too can relate to the absent boss who expects you to read thier mind while they galavant around town. Here is my advice on most women: They say they want a sweet sensitive type, but what they really want is someone they can 'fix'. Also, they will bitch and moan with friends about wanting someone to love them for who they are but you will find the list of characteristics a man 'must have' for them to date shakes the very foundation of shallow, calloused approaches to people. They will say in one breath 'ewww, I would never date him he doesn't make this much money, is not this tall etc.' and in the next breath say 'why won't someone love me for who I am?!' weigh this much, your hair is too short etc....and then you meet someone who changes all that - and you never see it coming...
