Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I miss Uganda a lot today. I've thought of memories in general a lot recently. How at first they can be filled with so much emotion. Emotion that is either sad or happy or even just weird. And to me, it seems as time goes by, they slowly loose the emotion that is tied to the memory and it just becomes factual. I'm hoping that this never happens with my trip to Uganda or many of the experiences I'm going through in my early twenties. Even though not all of my memories have happy emotions, I feel like I'm changing my outlook because of the sad ones too. God is using all situations to point me back to him.

What are some memories you
want to hold on to?

That's all...

1 comment:

  1. Remember our very first mission trip? To Rancho 3M in Mexico? That was a good memory.
    I have a lot of fond memories from when Jon had Cancer too. The situation sucked but it's one of the resons our family is so awesome. We rally together in the hard times, and because of that even the dark times contain sweet memories. =) Good blog post!
