Sunday, April 3, 2011

You know what's weird!

Sunday Morning
Mark 14.

So, I woke up at six this morning to go to church and play music in the worship center for Sunday morning service. This week was the first week that I've played three consecutive services in a row. And it was odd. It was interesting to see how people worshiped to the same set of music with, the same leaders and with the same set of prayers.

There was no consistency in how they worshiped to specific songs. There was no consistency to how they took the message. I wonder what that means? I'm not sure if it means anything. I know this much, I don't like the way that American culture direct how we worship God. Church services have become like well directed movies. At the beginning, there's a song that gets people interested. And, now that we all want to start shaking our white little(and sometimes not so little) asses because of the tempo and bumping music, our attention is there. So then they follow up with with a top hit. A song that everyone knows. A song by either Chris Tomlin or Hillsong. And now that everyone has gotten a little sweaty from singing two upbeat songs, its time to turn down the tempo, turn down the lights and turn up the emotion. This song will usually be a song that starts out with only synthesizer and acoustic guitar, to give a great epic sound. A soundscape filled with noises that sound so natural and also very angelic. Because, everyone knows that heaven will just sound like an Enya album from the nineties. And once they finishe this song, they will finish up the set with a special song done by the worship pastor. It'll usually tie in with the message that will proceed after the offering.
This seems so silly to me at the moment. I definitely think heaven will sound like an Enya album. It's going to be filled with music from every culture, even cultures I don't like here. But, I think it will be different in heaven because the lyrics will be based off of God and not silly, stupid and or gross topics.

Ok, I have to go play the last song.


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