Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wait.... This isn't what I ordered!?!?

Recently I have started a few different BIG ventures in my life. For some odd reason they haven't turned out the way I expected them to at all. These main ventures are getting out of high school and into college and changing churches. Both of these haven't turned out exactly how I expected.
I was expecting to go to college and love most of it and hate little. This idea was false, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't want to be in radiology anymore, I dread the thought of spending years in this style of school. I don't know why I thought I would want to be in radiology because obviously I'm not wired for this type of scholastic work(I HATE IT). I'll be finishing this semester and then weigh my options with my parents.
I think I might be a music minister which a few years ago, I thought would be horrible. I thought they were all pompous jackasses with voices like billy goats. But after spending time with my previous worship leader and youth paster, that view has changed.
My new church seems great. I really like the music and hope to be apart of it. It's really guitar driven, which I like but also find a great challenge. Im used to hiding behind a piano and another guitarist. My position here (which isn't filled) would be more supportive and much more technically challenging, but also more my style of music I listen to so that could be helpful. Im just trying to also be very carful not to be the new person who wants to get "involved" to quickly. Thats a quick way to step on peoples toes, and not a great way to make a first impression. I meet with one of the music ministers for lunch tomorrow.
Anyways, Here are some of the things I've been thinking recently.

1. What am I doing?

2. I can't fit in some of my jeans.

3. I'm glad my feet don't get fat when I grow. That would suck.....

4. How will I consistently provide for my family?(you know,later)

5. I need to make new friends.

6. I think this is how people grow closer to God. Through uncertain times.

7. I just finished giving myself a haircut and I think I missed a spot in the back...

Ok thats all.I'm tired...