Monday, May 4, 2009

The End Of Something BIG

Well, I haven't posted recently. Its probably because I have been very busy........orr...Nothing interesting has happened at all(You choose the excuse, you deserve it.)But there is one cool thing that's happening. I graduate from high school in thirteen days!!
I am quite excited, and so is everyone who reads this also.

But one thing that I've been thinking about a lot recently is, one of my good friends who used to work at my church. He was my youth paster.(The best one too.). And I was thinking about how nice it would have been, if on graduation Sunday, He would recognize me and shake my hand on stage. I'm not one who likes all the attention, but a few years ago, that was something I was looking forward to a lot. I think it's a lot more because of how proud he would be of me than anything else. He and his wife would probably say to me later something like this.
" Jeremy, you have grown up so much since we first met you several years ago. We are so proud of you and who you are becoming."

Hear is the kicker...
The elders in my church felt that he and his wife were not a "good fit" anymore, and thought it best if they quit there post of being our youth pastors. This was quite a shocker to me, seeing as everything seemed to be going very well. They made it quite clear that it was not because of anything he did. But that they just see our church going in a different direction and no longer see them going with us. I don't go to youth group anymore and haven't for a while.
The things that mattered most to me are long gone. Like....

1. Leaders who took worship very seriously.

2. Meaning full teaching that was not skin deep or always about election.

3. People who understood youth group as not always place best suited for silly games that don't really make any sense. but just made you want to wash you hands.

4. People who cared(and still do)enough about you to check up on you through out the week.

I know a few things though
I am thankful to still get to talk to them and still have them in my life.

Also,I'm so glad God never decides that we're just not a "good fit" anymore, aren't you?

That's all........